Thursday, March 10, 2011

In Lieu of Rain Soaked Streets

It's cold and rainy out. I run to work, run to meetings, and then run home. All of my pictures this week look depressing and dark. So...I'm returning to a few pictures I took a couple of weeks ago as I went to get an afternoon coffee. If you walk around DC neighborhoods long enough, you begin to notice that most of the older buildings fit into 3-4 main architectural styles. I don't think of it as a limited palate, but more as the local flavor. Then, from time to time, you stumble across buildings like this, with these almost neo-Renaissance bay windows. I don't know what they're really called or what historical period or architectural school they fit into. I'm just happy they're there to add a little seasoning to an ordinary day.


  1. Wow. I'll bet it's even great on the inside.

  2. I bet it is! I want to live there and fit my giant white desk right into the bay window.

  3. I believe the style is called "fluted flat columnar quasi-Palladial Moorish doohickey".

  4. haha I think that's a perfect description, Jack!
